
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Faith... or lack thereof

God is like the big blue ocean; all religions and beliefs are like rivers and streams; human-kind is the drop of water. It doesn't matter which path a person takes, as long as they walk in faith and live in truth they will flow back to the big blue ocean.

Religion has always been a struggle for me. Ever since my mother pulled me by the ear to Sunday school, I never understood the mish-mash of information being thrown at me. None of it made any logical sense to me. I think the pivotal moment however, was when my sunday school teacher told me that my dog, Candy, would not be going to "heaven" with me, as dogs have no soul. What gave her the right to make that determination? I mean who made up these rules? What makes them think humans are any better than any of the other living, breathing creatures on this earth. Life is precious no matter the form it takes.

Then there is the issue of other religions. I find it hard to believe that in a world where so many religions exist, (many) Christians still have the audacity to believe thiers is the only true religion. Others are delusional in thier eyes and followers of those "Pagan" religions will go to hell for thinking otherwise. Well how can you go to a place you don't believe exists? I swear it's like belonging to a cult! The arrogance astonishes me.

I once asked my (brainwashed?) ex what he believed as far as religion. His answer started with, "Well, I was always told..."

I responded with, "Yes, I was always told the same things. But I do have a mind of my own and I've come to realize that those things aren't true for me."

His response was the "You will be judged" speech. How can one person be so narrow-minded? So un-accepting of someone else's beliefs?

My cousin was the first to introduce me to an alternative religion. I think one of the things I liked most about it was that you are held accountable for your own actions. It's ridiculous to "hand your problems to God" It's our responsibility to live life the best way we can... not as a puppet.

The Christians do have one thing right. There is only one God. But that's where the truths end. There are many paths to the divine. It's up to each individual to decide for themselves what that path is and how they wish to travel that path.

Just my little rant for the day, thanks for "listening." :)