
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Skein of Lo Mein

What do chopsticks and crochet have in common? Everything if you are Jimbo from Jimbo's Front Porch! He is a wiz at creating some of the most unique, and highly coveted, hand-carved crochet hooks.

Jimbo carved the chophook that was the incentive prize for the August charity challenge on Crochet Swaps Galore. I made and donated 21 scarves for the challenge. I was very proud of myself! I crocheted like a madwoman to get them finished in time! But I wasn't the only one crocheting. Several other members of the group made very generous contributions as well and should be equally proud!

The scarves were sent to Compassionate Creations, a very worthy cause. One that kind of hits home for me. I would have made just as many scarves even if there were no prize involved, but I'll admit, it is a pretty cool addition to my collection of wooden hooks.

I can't go without saying thank you to Sissie and Cyndi for hosting the challenge on CSG, and a very special thank you to Ann who heads up the charity. Ann, I too hope for the day that these scarves are not needed, but until then I thank you for your caring and generosity in providing comfort to those who find themselves in this unfortunate situation.

My Awesome New Chophook

My hook collection is growing!

Pictured below are Some of the scarves I made for

The first 3 I made with Simply Soft. They are all 3 new patterns that you will see from me sometime in the near future. :) A special thanks to Carole for the yarn!

These were made with Italia yarn in just a simple double crochet pattern.

I actually made 14 of these! I came across some Bright & Lofty in the dollar store one day and bought all they had knowing I would use it all for the scarf challenge. It's just a simple single crochet pattern.

And this one is made from Bernat's Softee Chunky, also a simple single crochet pattern.

Not pictured: I forgot to take a picture of the last one I made. It was a plain double crochet scarf made from Red Heart Symphony in Persimmon. Very soft & pretty. :)