
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rainy Day Blahs

What is it about the rain that makes me not feel like doing a darn thing. Not even crocheting! [insert Home Alone face here] It has been raining all day and all evening, and is supposed to continue into tomorrow. I've been watching TV all day, something I rarely do. But it put me in the mood to organize and clean. Also something I rarely do. :)

I love designing and decorating shows. I find them very inspiring and watching a marathon like I did today is usually followed by some sort of project. But not today. I went into the "craft room" (a.k.a. my bedroom) stood there, looked around at the stacks and stacks of plastic totes, bags, and boxes full of yarn and other crafting goodies, quickly became uninspired, and returned to the living room to lounge and continue watching How Not to Decorate, and Clean House. (I just love Niecy Nash!)

I did manage to get the 3rd row on 15 more of my grannies. A slow day considering I did 45 yesterday. So that leaves me just 30 for tomorrow then I'll start on the next row which will bring the colors together, help tone them down, and make them pop all at the same time. I'll be doing a join-as-you-go technique. I despise sewing squares together, especially small 5.5 inch squares so j-a-y-g is for me!

No pictures yet on my progress... too dark & dreary today to bring out the camera... maybe tomorrow.