
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Knitting Daily

I watched a tv show today that kind of took me by surprise. I had set the DVR on a whim a few days ago when I saw the title. The show was Knitting Daily. The episode was #110: All About Texture. Although I do knit, my expertise in that area is pretty much limited to simple dishcloths and other simple projects. So I thought what could it hurt, I might learn something new. And learn something new I did, but not about knitting!

I was happy to see that the show is crochet friendly! Kim Werker, billed as their "Crochet Ace," is one of the regulars on the show. On today's episode she met with Robyn Chachula who showed her a different kind of double crochet stitch. It is called a "Linked Double Crochet" (abreviated Ldc). It creates a more solid fabric that is great for wearables. She used the stitch when designing her Rosemary Sweater which was featured in the fall 2007 issue of Interweave Crochet. Robyn is also offering a free download of the Rosemary Sweater via the Knitting Daily webiste.

In addition to the crochet segment, they talked about different yarns and thier textures. Even though the information was primarily geared toward kitters, I think there was much to be learned by crocheters as well. After all, yarn is NOT knitting exclusive! I will definately be watching Knitting Daily on a regular basis.

If you want to check it out, it's on PBS. You can look for the show in your area on the Knitting Daily website.