
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Moving Vans, Beef Lo Mein, & Birthday Cake

The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~ Lucille Ball

There have been lots of happenings lately on the Left Side of Crochet. First of all, our stint in Missouri came to an abrupt end a few weeks ago. To quote Popeye, "That's all [we] can stands, and [we] can't stands no more."

In short, the economy got the better of us.

So we packed up our gear, (including over 20 boxes of yarn!) and started heading East. We came to rest in a quaint little town in NE Ohio situated right on Lake Erie. It has that perfect little hometown feel. Not too slow as to be boring, but not too bustling as to feel frenzied.

It wasn't a random pick. We chose the area, #1, because it's a factory town with plenty of jobs for the taking, and #2 (and most importantly), because it is where my youngest daughter lives.

It's so incredibly good to have the family together again!

And just in time for my special day...