
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Last Slice of Summer

There is a relatively new forum over on Crochetville entitled "Giveaways" (you may need to be logged in to see it) in which I have been lurking here of late. It's a simple concept. A member posts an item that they've made to the forum and then chooses a fellow member to give it away to.

There are various methods for choosing a recipient. Some post pictures and then have people request to be added to the list, then they choose from the recipient from the compiled list. Others simply choose people at random to receive their lovely gifts.

Many of the "Giveawayers" make and offer an item each month. Usually the same item but in a different color or style. Tammy, of Coffee n' Crafts fame, has been offering a crocheted hook cake each month. Her cases are usually themed for the month, and are always super cute and awesome.

My favorite so far has been the *Summer Time Seeds* Hook Case. I had seen the post and knew I loved it and wished I could have it, but knew there were a LOT of people who felt the same way as I. So imagine my surprise when I saw that big puffy envelope with her return address on it!

Isn't it just AwEsOmE?!

And packed with extra goodies too!

THANK YOU Tammy!!! I love, love, love it!
