
Saturday, June 22, 2013

New Pattern!

You may have seen my post yesterday about Doni Speigle's flower ring decorations. While trying to figure out how to add the "poke" to my plant poke, I kept coming back to the idea of wire. So I went with it and this is what I came up with...

I used this floral wire that I picked up at Dollar Tree a while back. I've also seen it at in the craft section Walmart.

I first tried to make the loop at the top of the stem freehand, but quickly learned it's difficult to make a nice smooth circle this way. A 2oz paint bottle works much better. :)

And this is the stem before crocheting. I think it could also make a cute fairy wand if you add some beads (or something soft) to cover the cut ends of the wire. But that will have to wait for another time.

And here is the finished flower. I'm quite happy with it.You can download the pdf in my Ravelry store.



  1. Great idea April - very creative. :)

    1. Thank you Debi! I have to give credit to Doni though for coming up with the original flower ring idea. :)

  2. That is soooo cute! Thank-you for the pattern!

    1. Thank you Iesadora, and you're welcome! :)

  3. I love it April, thank you for the pattern. :)

    1. Thank you Linda! I'm thinking now I need to make one in brown and yellow to look like a sunflower. :)

  4. Fabulous idea, I love the daisy.
    Well done,

  5. really cute!

    The bare wire looks like some of the bubble blowers we used to make as kids.

  6. I would love to see a couple that could be used for Christmas. Stars, wreaths, poinsettias. Would be great to put in all those plants that have to be brought in for the winter.

  7. Would love to see patterns for Christmas themed ones. Wreaths, bells, poinsettias, stars, etc. Would be great in all those plants that have to be brought in for the winter.

    1. Thank you for the great ideas LaDonna! I will definitely keep these in mind and we'll see what I can come up with. :)

  8. What a great idea! :) As I'm allergic to most flowers, this crocheted flower will have to be introdused to my home :)
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Greetings from Norway :)
    - Kristin -

  9. L-O-V-E this idea!!! they are so cute :-D

    Will definite be stocking up with these as I dream of spring!!!


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