It's that time of year when we begin to reflect on the happenings of the year we are leaving behind and look ahead with anticipation at what the months ahead might hold. It's time to shed old habits and make new resolutions; time to hold loved ones near even if you are miles apart; time to forgive misdeeds both in others and in ourselves; time to be appreciative of everyone and everything in our lives; and most importantly, time to be thankful for simply being.
The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years Day have always been my favorite time of year. Even as a child, while my classmates were longing for summer vacation, I was excited by the promise of cooler weather. This time of year brings out the best in me. I feel happy, energetic, hopeful, and very domestic. I want to clean and organize. I want to cook and bake. I want to crochet and craft. I want to see, feel, and do all of my favorite things! Nothing fantastic or over the top, just simple, everyday things...
These are a few of my favorite things. I'm thankful for each and every one of them, not just today, but everyday.