Day Three: 30th March. Tidy mind, tidy stitches.
How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised?
I only pretend to be an organized person. I mentioned my proposed attempt at organization in this post. I did manage to get a few things moved around and even put some yarn away. And I moved some boxes that contained non-crafty items to the basement for storage. But it's still a mess in that room. It's not completely disorganized. There are small bits of order to be found.
My RHSS is organized by color with a separate cubby for variegateds. I've also got 2 cubbies each for ILTY, Simply Soft, and Vanna's Choice.
And I've got my fabric neatly folded and put away on a small bookshelf. I don't do much with fabric these days so it's easy to keep this area in order.
But pull away from that bookshelf and the chaos reveals itself! Boxes, tubs, and baskets of yarn and other craft supplies waiting for a home to call their own.
What it comes down to is do I take the time to organize? Or do I crochet? Duh, we know what that answer is! I do spend small bits of time in my "Yarn Room" in the name of organization but, for the most part, I just go in there to gather supplies and take them elsewhere to work.
The truth is I desperately want a perfectly arranged space to work in. Who doesn't? But my current situation doesn't afford me that luxury. I can see it in my future. It's on the horizon. Eventually I will have that ideal workspace, but for now I'll have to settle for almost.