Finished size: Small Preemie - Newborn
Materials: 1 ounce sport weight yarn (Bernat's Baby Coordinates White used for example), US size G hook, Tapestry needle for weaving in ends.
Gauge: Rounds 1-3 = 2 1/2 inches, 9 sts = 2 inches
*NOTE: The final "scallop" round may be substituted with a round of half double crochets for a boy's hat.
Small Preemie Size (2 lbs):
ch 4
Round 1: 11 dc in 4th ch from hook, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (12 dc)
Round 2: ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each rem st around, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (24 dc)
Round 3: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (36 dc)
Round 4: ch 3, dc in next st, dc in each remaining st around, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3.
Rounds 5 - 10: Rep round 4.
*Round 11: ch 1, (sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in same st, skip next 2 sts, [(sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next st, skip next 2 sts] 11 times, join with sl st in beg sc, fasten off, weave in ends. (12 scallops)
Preemie Size (3-4 lbs):
ch 4
Round 1: 11 dc in 4th ch from hook, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (12 dc)
Round 2: ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each rem st around, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (24 dc)
Round 3: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (36 dc)
Round 4: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in each of next 5 sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 5 sts) 5 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (42 dc)
Round 5: ch 3, dc in next st, dc in each remaining st around, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3.
Rounds 6 - 11: Rep round 5.
*Round 12: ch 1, (sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in same st, skip next 2 sts, [(sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next st, skip next 2 sts] 13 times, join with sl st in beg sc, fasten off, weave in ends. (14 scallops)
Large Preemie/Small Newborn Size (5-6 lbs):
ch 4
Round 1: 11 dc in 4th ch from hook, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (12 dc)
Round 2: ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each rem st around, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (24 dc)
Round 3: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (36 dc)
Round 4: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in each of next 2 sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 2 sts) 11 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (48 dc)
Round 5: ch 3, dc in next st, dc in each remaining st around, sl st in top of beg ch 3.
Rounds 6 - 12: Rep round 5.
*Round 13: ch 1, (sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in same st, skip next 2 sts, [(sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next st, skip next 2 sts] 15 times, join with sl st in beg sc, fasten off, weave in ends. (16 scallops)
Newborn Size (7+ lbs):
ch 4
Round 1: 11 dc in 4th ch from hook, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (12 dc)
Round 2: ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each rem st around, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (24 dc)
Round 3: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (36 dc)
Round 4: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in each of next 2 sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 2 sts) 11 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (48 dc)
Round 5: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in each of next 7 sts, (2 dc in next st, dc in each of next 7 sts) 5 times, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. (54 dc)
Round 6: ch 3, dc in next st, dc in each remaining st around, join with sl st in top of beg ch 3.
Rounds 7 - 15: Rep round 6.
*Round 16: ch 1, (sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in same st, skip next 2 sts, [(sc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next st, skip next 2 sts] 17 times, join with sl st in beg sc, fasten off, weave in ends. (18 scallops)