Walmart is starting to put thier Christmas merchandise out already. It comes as a shock every year when I begin to see ornaments, garland, stockings, wrapping paper, lights, and all the other seasonal goodies transforming the Lawn & Garden section into a Winter Wonderland.

I usually dread the shopping season but this year I was anxiously awaiting those first signs of the impending rush. You see, I've been wanting to make some crochet covered ornaments such as these for this year:
Diamond Ball Cover and
Christmas Ball Cover. So I readily snatched up a box of silver shatter resistant (A.K.A. plastic -- gotta think of Ben's curiosity for anything shiny) ornaments to cover in all that brightly colored size 10 thread I've been collecting over the past several months.

Admittedly, that was not my first seasonal purchase. I was in the local dollar shop a few weeks ago and snagged these cuties. I love their bright purple glittery-ness. They will look great hanging in my living room window. But not until the day after Thanksgiving. Anything earlier is just pushing the season, IMHO.

I've always had a brown thumb. It doesn't usually take long. Whether I forget to water, over water, or otherwise neglect, I can't seem to keep a houseplant alive for any length of time. But that's never stopped me from trying! My last attempt was a sad one. It was a plant that my aunt gave me after my cousin's funeral. I vowed to do my best to keep it alive, and I did well for a while. A few years in fact (a record for me!) Now don't get me wrong, all that time it was hanging on by a thread... but it was hanging on nonetheless. But with the move I guess it just couldn't hang on any longer. Sadly it has moved on to plant heaven.
Well tonight in Wally World, after choosing my shiny plastic orbs, I moved down the aisles to the last remaining traces of Lawn & Garden and found a sad sight. This poor little guy was looking so depressed. His soil was bone dry and rock hard. Neglected even more than I could do. So in an attempt to redeem myself, I adopted him and vowed once again to do my best to keep a thriving plant.

Fred, as I've since named him, was so thirsty he could barely drink. In the picture above you can see the soil over the top rim of the container. When I first watered him all he could do was float. :(

It's been a few hours since Fred arrived at his new home. His thirst is finally quenched. He soaked up all his water and has had another drink since. His leaves even seem to have perked up a bit. Maybe Fred will be the one...
I'm keeping my fingers crossed...