I thought I'd whip (was that a pun?) up a quick granny square the other day for my Multi Color Granny Square post. Then I liked the colors so much I decided I need to make an entire ghan in this colorway. So I have yet another Grannyghan on the hook!
I haven't been working on the bright grannyghan lately. I'm still fretting over how to arrange the squares. *sigh* :(We'll be going to Springfield today (Saturday) for some more yarn/holiday shopping. The last time we were at Hobby Lobby they had some new striped ILTY. I restrained myself at the time and only bought 3 skeins. I've been KICKING myself ever since. I found the PERfect project to use the stripes with. Not just one of the colorways... but 4 of them... all in the same project. Yes, it sounds ugly, but trust me... it will be totally AWEsome. I've even received Cyndi's approval, and trust me, that truly means something! :)
Then Sunday I plan to work on a join-as-you-go tutorial for traditional granny squares. I hope to have the tutorial finished sometime next week so be sure to look for that!